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Упражнение по Английскому языку №2

at, from, get, go, here, how, may, many, not, present, some, sir, them, thing, time, two, up, us, your.
This place is not for many people.
This place is for us.
This place is for them.
This place is for you and me.
This place is for very many people.
This place is not for very many people.
This place is not for very many people at present.
This place is not for very many people now.
This place is not for very many people this year.
Sir, this place is not for very many people this year.

At present this place is for us.
At present this place is for them.
At present that place is not for many people.
At present that place is for very many people.
At present some of us like this place.
Sir, at present some of us like this place.

Some of us are from this place, some are not.
Some of us are here for the first time, some are not.
Some of us like this place, some don't (do not).
Some of us know this place well, some don't.
Sir, some of us know this place well, some don't.

Many of us are from this place, but some are not.
Many of us are here for the first time, but some are not.
Many of us like this place, but some don't (do not).
Many of us know this place well, but some don't.
Sir, many of us know this place well, but some don't.

Get up and go!
You two, get up and go!
You two, get up and go from here!
You two, get up and find him!
You two, get up and find him there!
You two, get up and find him there this time!

Take your time, don't go!
Take your things and go! Now!
Sir, may I go?
May I go now?
May I go there now?
You may go there now.
You may go there now.
You may get up and go.
You may get up and go there.
You may get up and go there now.
Yes, you may go.
Yes, you may go there.
Yes, you may go there now.

From here we go there.
From here we go to that place.
From here we go to that place with you.
From here we go to that place with her.
From here we go to this place with him.

How do you do it?
How do we get there?
How do I get there?
How do they get there?
How do you get there?
How does he get there?
How does she get there?
How does it get there?

Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
Come and take my....
Now come and take my...
I know you can take us back with you...
But you know you can take us...
Could you come and take us ....
Some people say that you can come and take ...
Take your time to take us back to...
They know now how to…
Some of us…
Take your things…
Very many people…
How do…
Where do you…

Ключевые слова: язык, Английский, Упражнение, English

Категория: Нефтегазовый английский | Добавил 01.02.2008: OilCareer | Просмотров: 75343

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