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Упражнение по Английскому языку №7

There were very many people in that place.
Also there were very many people in that new place.
Although there were very many people in that new place we liked it very much.
Although there were very many people in that new place we went there. We just liked it. We liked it more than the old place. We didn't like the old place. The new place has more that the old place or the place across the road. The new place has more that the other places. I think that it had style. That's why we liked it. We can use it now. We can use the new place now that we know it. Now that we know it we can go there and use it. This is his place. He has had it since last year. He and his people have used it since last year.

Between you and me, we must go there. Just get up and go there. It's a nice new place. Other people don't go there. Other people go to other places. She goes to other places. Her people go to this place again.

So they are there.
So they are there as his very good friends.
She is there as his good friend too.
As his good friend he works in his office.
As his good friends they work in his office.
As his good friend I work in his office.
We are his good friends, we also work in his office.
More and more people work in his office.
More and more people use his office.
Although more and more people use his office, they don't like it, they don't like his office.

Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
So he likes…
There were so many…
Although she has style…
I think…
We didn't like…
We can…
Just let them…
As his old friend …
More and more of us…
Other people…

Ключевые слова: Упражнение, язык, Английский

Категория: Нефтегазовый английский | Добавил 01.02.2008: OilCareer | Просмотров: 10498

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