an, been, by, into, its, make, out, or, though, upon.
The sun was high in the sky.
An ant (муравей) has been out for so long.
An ant has been out of its hole for so long.
An ant has been out in the sun for so long.
An ant has been out of its hole in the sun for so long.
An ant has been out of its hole in the sun for so long but and it likes the sun.
The ant went into its hole.
Though the sun was high in the sky the ant went into its hole.
I don't know where I want to go - here or there, this way or that way, now or then, with him or with her.
Little by little I make my way through this place.
Upon my word I know them well.
Upon my word he is in that place.
Upon my word I know he is there.
Upon making my work I went to this place.
Upon making my work I went to this place.
Upon making my work I went to his place.
Upon making my work I went to his place with her.
By now I know him well.
By now I know him very well.
By that time I should be there.
By that time I should know him well.
By that time I should speak English.
By now I know this place well.
By now I know this place very well.
Задание: Напишите максимальное число фраз по образцу выше.
By now she…
By that time …
Upon my word…