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Упражнение по Английскому языку №6 above, being, between, most, on, said, she, such, state, these, under, was, who
Нефтегазовый английский | Просмотров: 66246 | Добавлено: 01.02.2008
Упражнение по Английскому языку №7 There were very many people in that place.
Also there were very many people in that new place.
Although there were very many people in that new place we liked it very much.
Although there were very many people in that new place we went there. We just liked it. We liked it more than the old place. We didn't like the old place. The new place has more that the old place or the place across the road. The new place has more that the other places. I think that it had style. That's why we liked it. We can use it now. We can use the new place now that we know it. Now that we know it we can go there and use it. This is his place. He has had it sinc...Читать дальше...>>>
Нефтегазовый английский | Просмотров: 10496 | Добавлено: 01.02.2008
Упражнение по Английскому языку №9 to be above it all, to be against, to be after, to be about, across from, back to back, before you can say Jack Robinson, before now, by then, by now, by that time, come about, come across, come again, come along, come between, come and go, come apart, come back, come in, make it,
Нефтегазовый английский | Просмотров: 11232 | Добавлено: 01.02.2008
Упражнение по Английскому языку №8 The sun was high in the sky.
An ant (муравей) has been out for so long.
An ant has been out of its hole for so long.
An ant has been out in the sun for so long.
An ant has been out of its hole in the sun for so long.
An ant has been out of its hole in the sun for so long but and it likes the sun.
The ant went into its hole.
Though the sun was high in the sky the ant went into its hole.
I don't know where I want to go - here or there, this way or that way, now or then, with him or with her.
Little by little I make my way through this place.
Нефтегазовый английский | Просмотров: 6282 | Добавлено: 01.02.2008
100 самых популярных глаголов английского языка accept - принимать close/shut - закрывать allow - позволять organise - организовывть ask - просить pay - платить believe - верить play - играть borrow - занимать, заимствовать put - класть
Нефтегазовый английский | Просмотров: 16210 | Добавлено: 01.02.2008

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